The Roundtable Conference 2024

The Roundtable 2024 is an exclusive conference hosted by ChiniMandi on the critical topic of the “Sugar (Control) Order 1966,” and the newly proposed “Sugar (Control) Order 2024”. This conference will bring together industry leaders, policymakers, and experts to discuss the impact of these regulatory frameworks on the future of the Sugar Industry.
In the August 22, 2024 memorandum, the government noted that recent advancements have significantly impacted the sugar sector, prompting a comprehensive overhaul of regulations. The draft Sugar (Control) Order, 2024, has been issued to address these changes, and stakeholders are invited to review and comment by September 23, 2024.

Industry Verticals
Why "Round Table Conference"?

Our mission is to drive policy advancements through constructive dialogues and align all industry stakeholders for a progressive path forward.

The Conference represents a concerted effort to advance our industry by addressing its most pressing challenges and seizing emerging opportunities, ultimately driving our industry towards an AtmaNirbhar Future.
Through a series of panels and interactive sessions designed to yield practical solutions that can be implemented to drive the industry forward, we delve deep into critical issues affecting the Sugar & Allied Sector.
By bringing together diverse perspectives, we aim to spark new ideas that can lead to transformative change in the industry and benefit all stakeholders.
We focus on developing strategies that are not only visionary but also executable ensuring that the insights gained during the conference are put into practice, leading to tangible improvements and advancements in the Sugar & Allied Sector.
By addressing current challenges and anticipating future trends, we aim to create a sustainable and prosperous future for all stakeholders and collectively shape the industry for the good.
The Round Table Conference is an opportunity to be part of a transformative journey. Together, we can drive progress, foster innovation, and create lasting impact in the Sugar & Allied Sector.